RMA Process


The following steps describe major actions for the processing of an RMA case.

  • If a product/hardware is a defect and has to be returned, fill up the RMA form (refer section 2.) and send it to rma@indionetworks.com from Beetel centralised handling team.
  • Once the mail is received Indio’s Customer Service representative will contact to obtain the missing/additional information.
  • A validation check will be made to see if the case meets the return policy, according to our agreed terms and conditions. The Customer Service team will involve Indio’s Support for veri-fication if required. In case a support ticket is available, the RMA will be updated with corre-sponding ticket number
  • Once all information is received, the RMA will be registered in our system.
  • Customer Service sends a notification to concerned Beetel team about further processing. This can include the following information: o Rejection of the RMA case or replacement unit o Information about the defect or issue o Provision of a return unit/consignment stating the address for return
  • Upon receipt of the returned product to the Beetel warehouse, and approval according to our agreement, the case will be closed.

Warranty & AMC

Return Merchandise Authorization Form

Quantity Item Number Description PO Number Serial Number Reason Code Credit, Replace, or Repair?

For Office Use Only